GPO Box 503E Hobart TAS 7001

Councils carbon and energy footprints

The Southern Tasmanian Council’s Carbon and Energy Snapshot has been developed so that our southern councils can understand their corporate carbon footprints and energy use across their assets and services and identify where they can make savings on both greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs.

The Snapshot is based on data from the 12 councils’ energy bills: electricity and fuel (petrol, diesel, LPG) and as well as waste tonnages from council kerbside collection services and waste delivered to waste transfer stations or landfills; with national carbon accounting methods set out by the Australian Government in its National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 legislation.

The accompanying Carbon and Energy Footprint Information Series outlines key concepts, and methods, used in the preparation of Council Carbon and Energy Footprints.

STCA Councils Snapshot 2019-2022

Climate Change Glossary

Climate Change Summary

Corporate Emissions Overview

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting

Greenhouse Gas Factors Summary

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Overview

Annual Greenhouse and Energy Corporate Inventory Preparation

STCA Councils CCEF inventory Instructions – 1 May 2023

STCA Council GHG Calculator – Basic Version – 1 May 2023 Draft

STCA Council GHG Calculator – Detailed Version – 1 May 2023 Draft